Friday, October 2, 2020

Assalam aleikum Warahmatu-llah. To general Muslim Public, Office of the Grand Mufti of South Africa Demand Imediate revocation of Halaal Status by calling Halaal certicate given to Capital shppers for Placing Halla Log on Pork until investigation are completed to clarify the cause that may be mixing cow, gost and sheep with Pork in pakages, storages, transportation, the said mistake is clear indication that the business do not qualify for Halaal certification.  A fatal incident has taken place against our faith as Muslims, A Halaal was placed on Pork sausages in Uganda by Capital shoppers , and they have issued an official apology regarding in written. When this Issue at our attention, we are concerned as official authority of Muslim affairs who regualry travels in and out Uganda, those who export from Uganda, its very serious case that needs serious actions more than just an apology. because Islam do not depend on boundaries of countries and what ever happens to Muslims in different countries happen to all of us. The administration of Muslim Supreme Council of South Africa Demand revocation of Halaal status given to Capital shoppers who did this action without fail. The Uganda Muslim Supreme Council is entirely responsible for allowing this to happen and other bodies concerned. In Islam its a grave sin just to mix meat of cow , goat or sheep with pork, there is no way they will be able to separate halaal meat from Pork because its more than just a logo, even the storage , transportation and selling must be separated, its not permissible to buy meat in shop where they sale pork. So how come this capital shopper making pork sausages got halaal status. Wabillah Tawfique.

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Bismillah Rahman Raheem, alhamdu lillah Rabil alameen wasalaat wassalam ala abdika warasulika Muhammad salla llah aleih wasallama, All praise due to Allah , blessings and salution we convey upon his servant and messenger Muhammad saluted and blessed by Allah. As a reader , you must wondering want kind of a moon getting full to light us from our darkness , that moon is our beloved prophet Muhammad sallah aleih wasallama sent to all people of the world as mercy to the entire universe.

The days if his birth on earth are approaching, its time for us believers to get ready to embrace the full moon and celebrate in remembrance of his message of light he brought to entire humanity that has saved us from darkness to light.


Friday, August 14, 2020

Welcome to Grand Mufti of South Africa official website launched to serve International Muslim Community and Local communities with imediate response to inquries and issues that require quick action. Ask question about Islam and get answered accordingly with refference from Quran and Sunnah. 
